Symptoms of the Poker Flu

The Poker Flu or the "Swine Flu" is a serious sickness that has been plaguing players at various poker tournaments and online sites. This sickness is known as the "Swine Flu" due to the fact that the players who have contracted the illness have shown signs of fatigue and have not had any contact with the infected. Since the infection cannot be seen by the naked eye, there are a number of symptoms associated with it. Here are some of the most common ones.
Fatigue is one of the most obvious. It is generally felt by the players and can be experienced by their family members or anyone else who knows them well. A person suffering from this condition feels as though he or she is running on empty or is just plain tired of being awake all day. People who are sick with this fever will often be exhausted at night and even sleep in during the day. The player also experiences depression and frustration during the day. The player will have a hard time falling asleep and may even have nightmares.
Body temperature and respiratory system also show some of the symptoms of this illness. Sometimes the player's body temperature will be extremely low and this is because he or she is experiencing the symptoms associated with this illness. These symptoms include fever, swollen face and body, and cough. This makes it difficult for the body to cool itself and can cause extreme discomfort. There is also an increased amount of mucus in the mouth and nose, which can further worsen the case of this illness.
Since the symptoms of the Swine Flu are very obvious, some players are actually taking their own lives in fear of contracting the Swine Flu. The virus itself is deadly. So, people who are exposed to it or even have contact with the infected person will be greatly in danger. Even children who are in contact with the infected person or have direct contact with the infected object may be at risk of contracting the virus.
If you are suffering from these symptoms, then it is time for you to take preventive measures to ensure that you don't contract the Swine Flu. The first step is to get yourself checked up by a medical professional so you can make sure that you are safe from contracting the virus. Once you are sure that you are free from the virus, you should practice the precautions that can help you in preventing the disease from affecting you.

Always practice proper hand washing techniques when you are playing Poker Online to prevent the Swine Flu from affecting you. You should always use a good hand washing technique. and wash your hands immediately after you are done with your playing session. When you are done with your hands, never play with them in front of other players or give it away to another player.

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